Thursday Eve was the kids Writing Workshop Celebration, which is the only school event that I will not miss. The school works in conjunction with Columbia University Teacher's College and the program is just amazing. Throughout the school year each classroom has a few "Book Release Parties" where they open up the classroom and share the books that they've written in a particular category. Unfortunately, they leave non-fiction books till the end of the year and the best stories go unread by most of the parents. I remember enough from Thursday to know that Eden's book was about cats and Eamon's book was about whales (on the way there he was sure his was about cats, I haven't figured out why), but i don't remember much else. We went home and watched a movie while the rest of the 'hood played outside. I could barely stand up.
Friday, I was home all day with the kids due to the holiday and I managed to get three pictures packed. After that I mostly needed to lay on the couch, often yelling "please stop screaming" and, "if s/he says s/he doesn't want to get sprayed with water then s/he really doesn't want to get sprayed with water" towards the driveway where the children were. I almost puked twice, which is serious for me. The last time I puked was before Eamon was born. Before that, I don't even remember.
Tim's plane got in at 8:30PM so, in order to kill some time, I took the children to Target. I warned them when we went in that I was only purchasing packing tape and q-tips, we would not walk out with anything else. I think the only reason this worked is because I let them wander aimlessly through the toy section. They looked for as long and as hard as they wanted, and I just stood in the center aisle looking spacey. We left, got Tim, and I pretty much slept from then until this morning (thank you, dear husband, I needed it).
But I feel GREAT now! So, here is your Friday Photo Flashback that Tim and I found while packing:

I'm so glad you're feeling better. Everytime anyone says they have even the slightest feeling of illness now, my first thought is, oh you probably have Lyme, 'cause if I have it then... yeah, I know. I'm self-obsessed. But really, I'm glad you're better!
Seriously, I was counting and noting each symptom thinking, it would be CRAZY if we both had lyme.
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