So long since a post! We've been very busy. With what you ask? Check out Annika's Blog and you'll get most of it.
Besides that we've started cozying up the place a bit, and though I wasn't the biggest fan of this house off the bat, it's growing on me. In a big way. There are still some (ok, lots) of design choices the previous owners (or flippers) made that I will never understand. Never the less, here are some of the things I love:
Eden and Eamon have a Jack and Jill Bathroom. It's the best bathroom in the house, accessible only by their bedrooms.
And this cabinet that has doors on the other side of the cabinet that open in the hallway:
The floor in Eamon's room. It looks as though it's the only original floor left in the house. It looks amazing with all of Eamon's furniture, all rustic and cozy
The kids bath and the Master Bath both have these built in laundry hampers. Brilliant.
Plantation Shutters, I'm smitten. They are on all the street side windows, so pretty and easy, what's not to love?
The place where I sit to sew
What will eventually be the Liiibruuury (and music room). We need a big cozy reading chair and to get rid of the ghetto blinds. It will happen soon
Closet space, I have some now
How this chair is equidistant to both the bar and the toys, also brilliant (i put it there).
This seat was salvaged from a friend in Albany. We bought a piece of foam and ordered some Amy Butler fabric for it and I think the result is perfect.

The roses. There are three rose trees and four bushes. I've discovered that in SoCal, if you water them every day, buds will form in about a week. Amazing.
All those red leaves have spouted up in the last week. Most of them have buds on them, Yay!
Also, most things grow like weed here if you remember to water them

Besides that we've started cozying up the place a bit, and though I wasn't the biggest fan of this house off the bat, it's growing on me. In a big way. There are still some (ok, lots) of design choices the previous owners (or flippers) made that I will never understand. Never the less, here are some of the things I love:
Eden and Eamon have a Jack and Jill Bathroom. It's the best bathroom in the house, accessible only by their bedrooms.

The roses. There are three rose trees and four bushes. I've discovered that in SoCal, if you water them every day, buds will form in about a week. Amazing.

Also, most things grow like weed here if you remember to water them