These chairs sit on a porch in a street not too far from the best coffee and Thai in Maine. You can't quite see the beach from there, but you can smell it, and you can smell Lauren cooking on the grill. You can hear children milling about the house getting ready for a trip to the National Park, maybe a hike atop Bee Hive or perhaps a bike ride that will bring us to the Jordon Pond House were we will sit on the lawn and have a popover with butter and strawberry jam. These chairs are what make it possible for me to brave the zoo with many 8 year olds, attend a graduation, violin recital and multiple Father's Day events, and finish packing the entire house while Tim is away and i have strep without loosing my mind completely. It's because soon, I will be sitting on one of these chairs with a glass of white wine and a crustacean boiling in a pot inside. God I love Maine.
Dude, you're getting me all excited.
Don't get me all excited. There's work to be done, I can't think about relaxing yet, I'm not ready.
Okay, I'm ready. Damn that looks fine.
Yeah the only thing I can do at work is update the grocery list. Well, that is at least what I did yesterday! Bar Harbor Blueberry Ale, here I come!!!
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